“Expert To Consumer”


B to B Selling has limitations. D to C Selling is getting added pressures from increased CAC costs to Consumer Paradox of Choice. Enter E to C Technology, a way that consumers can buy online with the same ease and enhanced product choices as D to C but via the guidance of an EXPERT whose suggestions they trust.

Experts eagerly engage in E to C technology because they get paid for suggestions they are making otherwise, but far and wide, not just affiliate deal by affiliate deal. This is not affiliate selling. This is far more robust than that.

Community Developers (Brands, Charities, Franchisors, Operators) use E to C Technology to capture additional LTV, add consumer loyalty, better leverage and pay their teams of experts, and ultimately create a more profitable and tighter community that captures better economics for all.

Business to Expert to Consumer Selling

The new frontier in a quadruple win scenario:

  • The Business who created a large fan base/following/community wins

  • The Expert who is well respected and wants higher earning power but cant work more hours wins

  • The Client who wants recommendations from those who they trust wins

  • The product/brand wins because of $0 CAC and a qualified purchase